“We consume 1.7 Earths per year. We can no longer afford that. Cost and regulatory pressures on large companies are therefore increasing. We need to drive change and we need a new economy where sustainability and economic success go hand in hand.”
1. Why does the topic of the Circular Economy have to be on the agenda of every company? Why is it worthwhile?
We consume 1.7 Earths per year. We can no longer afford that. Cost and regulatory pressures on large companies are therefore increasing. We need to drive change and we need a new economy where sustainability and economic success go hand in hand. Fast, nimble start-ups are part of the solution because they enable faster change to happen and be possible in the first place for companies in their supply chain or in their products.
2. What are the biggest challenges?
At better ventures we invest money, time, and our brains in early-stage founders who aim to change our world for the better. One of the big challenges is the investment field planet. The latest IPCC report has shown us in all clarity that the time to act to preserve the very livelihood of human species is now. We need to significantly increase our efforts to prevent climate tipping points and extinction of species and ecosystems. The three main challenges regarding our planets are climate, resources, and ecosystem. Start-ups like Repath, Oxyle, or Ocell are tackling the challenges in these areas.
3. How would you convince people who are still critical towards the topic?
All the facts and figures are clear, now we have to take action because if we do not take action, we will not continue as a society.
4. A thought-leader, book, or podcast you would recommend?
Firstly, I would recommend Sir David Attenborough. He is a naturalist who uses film to explain what the problem really is – in a very clear way that everyone can understand. And despite the seriousness of the situation, he does it with a very positive, infectious spirit. Just great. A great storyteller. The second recommendation is Project Drawdown. It’s my climate solution bible, so to speak, in which all the levers are quantified. Project Drawdown is highly action-oriented.
5. What are the key requirements for the Circular Economy to succeed and eventually become standard?
On the one hand, it will be a question of cost parity, i.e. we must develop and implement circular solutions along the entire value chain that are as good as or better than classic products and services at large scale. Since it is difficult to change actions on a mass scale, we also need products that replace rather than complement existing ones. And finally, above all, we need to understand that it is about the planet; therefore, all people and all companies need to participate. It will only work if we understand that it is a global problem.
Made possible with the friendly support of our amazing partners: DB CIRCULAZE is made possible with the friendly support of our amazing partners: DB Cargo, DATEV, 4PCapital, hemmersbach, VP Group, ODDO BHF, DEFACTO, Rödl & Partner, Jack Wolfskin, Beiersdorf, Messe München, and foodaffairs.