Did you know that e-waste is the world’s fastest growing waste stream? All of these valuable metals inside of our old phones, computers, and other electronics are currently being squandered. In the words of Optimus Prime, “We can’t stand by and watch the destruction of this beautiful planet.” Present day transformers at start-up Descycle are aiming to change the metals industry using Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES) in order to avoid this huge loss of resources. The Descycle process has been developed as a disruptive and clean alternative to current high-impact and capital intensive recycling methods. They are saying goodbye to high-energy pollutive smelters, toxic chemicals, and strong acids and hello to low-energy operations and low-carbon, low-impact metals. With an upcoming Series A in the first quarter of 2024, more great transformations are on the horizon for Descycle. Autobots, transform and roll out!
What They Say: “The world is reliant on clean-tech innovations to tackle climate change; solving the big problems such as the production of clean energy and the electrification of the economy. There has been little innovation in how the materials that underpin these technologies is produced and recycled; Descycle is here to change that.”
Founder/s: Dr. Leo Howden, Dr. Rob Harris, & Fred White
Based In: London, England
Website: www.descycle.com