Fight Waste: Patrick vs Unhappiness

A tragedy of human happiness is that we humans tend to undervalue what we have and long for what we don’t have. I believe that there is a similar tragedy of circularity. Take the perspective of a car manufacturer that wants to become more circular. It looks for ways to get access to its old…

Fight Waste: Patrick vs Ownership

Three years ago, my family and I moved from the city center to the periphery of Berlin. We’ve been lucky to find a beautiful piece of land. The numerous trees, about 20m high, are part of the beauty. They capture carbon, are homes of insects and provide shade during hot summer days. Recently, I noticed…

Fight Waste: Patrick vs Ignorance

“How much virgin material do you use per year?” Over the last few weeks, I have asked this question to a few people. It turned out that everyone – even those from the sustainability community – was caught on the wrong foot. Their answers were substantially too low. The correct answer depends on the geography…

Fight Waste

Fight Waste: Patrick vs Baby Stroller

The average Munich resident uses 32 tons of virgin material… every year. This is as heavy as a typical Munich subway wagon. And only 2.4% of these 32 tons are circular. In the last weeks, I experienced what causes this low rate. It played in Berlin but could have easily happened in Munich as well.…

François Laigret on Acting with Future Generations in Mind

“All potential stakeholders and enablers of the circular economy must be on the same page of the diagnosis, before entering circular economy thinking.” 1. Why does the topic of the circular economy have to be on the agenda of every company? Why is it worthwhile? Every company has to recognize that the circular economy is…

CIRCULAZE Summer Talk 2023

Last week, our CIRCULAZE Summer Talk took place. Together with our partner ODDO BHF, we invited around 40 entrepreneurs and corporate executives to our Munich office. Special guest of the evening was Prof. Wolfgang Ischinger, former Ambassador and President of the Foundation Board of the Munich Security Conference (MSC). Wolfgang Ischinger looks back on a…

Recycling vs. the Circular Economy

Reduce, reuse, recycle. We are all familiar with these three words, but often tend to focus only on the ‘recycle’. While recycling is a more sustainable alternative than throwing everything away, it is not the be-all-end-all to saving our planet and should only be used when there are no other alternatives. To reach climate goals…