Recycling vs. the Circular Economy

Reduce, reuse, recycle. We are all familiar with these three words, but often tend to focus only on the ‘recycle’. While recycling is a more sustainable alternative than throwing everything away, it is not the be-all-end-all to saving our planet and should only be used when there are no other alternatives. To reach climate goals…

CIRCULAZE eXchange: Regulations

Unveiling Regulations for the Circular Economy: Insights from Dr. Claas Oehlmann In our captivating CIRCULAZE eXchange event on June 22nd, we gathered to discuss EU-level regulations with Dr. Claas Oehlmann, Managing Director Initiative Circular Economy Environment, Technology and Sustainability Industry Promotion at BDI (Federation of German Industries). BDI’s mission is to inform about the latest…

Xavier Sarras on Changing Earth’s Status Quo

1. Why does this topic have to be on the agenda of every company? Or to put it another way: Why is it worthwhile? In our current economy, we take materials from the Earth, make products from them, and eventually throw them away as waste – the process is linear. In a Circular Economy, by…

Tina Dreimann on Driving Towards a Better Value Chain

“We consume 1.7 Earths per year. We can no longer afford that. Cost and regulatory pressures on large companies are therefore increasing. We need to drive change and we need a new economy where sustainability and economic success go hand in hand.” 1. Why does the topic of the Circular Economy have to be on…

CIRCULAZE NOW! with Janine Thies

Janine Thies believes we need skilled architects and accomplished leaders to achieve real transformation. She, herself, is such a person and has had an unusual career having studied Russian and English (also having lived in both countries.) In this episode of CIRCULAZE NOW!, she explains the enormous opportunities presented by the circular economy and the…

CIRCULAZE on Tour: BMW Recycling- und Demontagezentrum

Our trip to the BMW Recycling- und Demontagezentrum (RDZ) in Unterschleißheim started with a warm welcome from CURAZE founders Claus Schuster and Natascha Zeljko. Janine Thies, Circular Economy and Recycling Manager at BMW Group, gave us a short overview on the topic of the circular economy and its relevance for all businesses. Biggest takeaway: it…