Infinite Roots

Did you know that according to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, roughly one third of the food produced in the world for human consumption every year gets wasted? Infinite Roots, a pioneering biotech company, is on a mission to change these numbers and revolutionize the food industry by crafting tastier, healthier,…


As the world turns to renewable energy to revolutionize the energy sector, tozero stands at the forefront, recognizing that recycling is a keystone in the face of resource scarcity. In a future electrified by mobility solutions and home solar panels, the demand for batteries is soaring. Yet, as these batteries reach their end of life,…


Ever wondered how to transform your products into eco-friendly marvels while keeping costs in check? Look no further than Makersite – the circular economy start-up that’s revolutionizing the game! Connect products with deep-tier supply chain data like never before. Makersite’s Product Lifecycle Intelligence software is your one-stop-shop for all things cost, environment, compliance, and risk-related…


Plastic, a material celebrated for its versatility, has inadvertently become a grave environmental challenge, with over 460 million tons produced annually and a quarter of it polluting our oceans and infiltrating our food chain as microplastics. For this reason, Hamburg based start-up Cirplus has embarked on a mission: to bridge the gap between buyers and…


Water is the most precious resource for all life forms on the planet, but it is also a universal solvent, which means that other toxic substances are easily able to dissolve into it. Therefore, any chemicals that end up in the water result in polluted water, which is dangerous to the environment and humans. Oxyle…

The Routing Company

The benefits of taking public transport over driving alone are no secret: carbon emissions are reduced by 45%, local air quality improves, unnecessary noise is cut, and traffic on the roads is greatly reduced. Unfortunately, there are many areas with impractical or non-existent transportation networks. In some cases, on-demand public transport works to plug these…


Introducing INERATEC, the start-up reshaping our energy landscape with innovative solutions. In a world where fossil fuels continue to dominate, INERATEC is working towards a future where energy systems are freed from their carbon chains. Their approach is ingenious: decoupling the mobility and chemistry sector from fossil fuels through alternative fuels. Picture this: sustainable aviation…


Each second 9,023 smartphones are tossed in the trash, and, of the 100 billion tonnes of clothing manufactured each year, 92 million end up in landfills. The harsh reality is that many of these items are in perfect working condition and someone else would happily use them. Most people are aware that buying second-hand over…


While the majority of us are trying to reduce our food waste at home in our kitchens by meal-planning or finding creative ways to use vegetables near the expiry date, Europe’s biggest grocery stores are also working on reducing their food waste – just on a much larger scale. Shockingly, grocery retailers typically throw away…


Did you know that e-waste is the world’s fastest growing waste stream? All of these valuable metals inside of our old phones, computers, and other electronics are currently being squandered. In the words of Optimus Prime, “We can’t stand by and watch the destruction of this beautiful planet.” Present day transformers at start-up Descycle are…